关于「 writes」的内容列表

Bank of America: It is expected that in the second half of the year, the Federal Reserve has ended its rate-cutting cycle

Trump's trade, fiscal and immigration policy agenda is expected to trigger moderate inflation, BofA analysts wrote, predicting that the changes would be reflected in inflation in the second half of 2025. They noted that any additional tariffs in the coming weeks could bring the timeline forward. "A key question is whether policy changes will affect long-term inflation expectations," they said, adding that market-based measures of inflation remained within historical ranges. BofA reiterated its s...

2025-02-11 04:21:34
"Fed Messenger": Tariffs become key factor in whether and when the Fed resumes rate cuts

As Mr. Trump considers using tariffs more boldly, a key question looms over the Fed: the extent to which any price increases will spur public interest in higher inflation, writes Nick Timiraos, the Fed's mouthpiece.

2025-01-28 20:57:00
Economist: The next interest rate cut by the Federal Reserve could be months away

Eric Winograd, senior economist at Alliance Bernstein, wrote that the Fed needs to make progress on inflation and "some softness" in the labor market before it can cut rates again, which could take several months. A rate hike is unlikely as there is no sign of inflation picking up again. Winograd said the three-month moving average increase in payrolls was unchanged from November, in addition to the strong headline data. The unemployment rate edged down to 4.1 percent from 4.2 percent, and "has ...

2025-01-10 19:25:41
CryptoQuant: Institutional investors hoarded over 34,000 bitcoins in the last 30 days

CryptoQuant analysts wrote that around December 21, 2024, institutional investors sold about 79,000 bitcoins in a week, leading to a 15% correction in the market. However, large institutions then took advantage of the market consolidation period to continue buying below $95,000 with a time-weighted average price (TWAP) strategy. Over the past 30 days, institutional investors have accumulated more than 34,000 bitcoins, providing buying support for the recent rally in bitcoin. Although there are a...

2025-01-08 22:13:40
Deutsche Bank: The yen will weaken, and the Bank of Japan is expected to raise interest rates again in December

Deutsche Bank strategist Volkmar Baur wrote that the yen will remain structurally weak after a brief strengthening, and the Bank of Japan is expected to raise interest rates again in December. The yen will weaken again, as the real rate hike cycle is obviously not coming, and the dollar/yen will strengthen next year. The Bank of Japan is very willing to raise interest rates again, but considering the dovish comments of the deputy governor before, it is too early to raise interest rates in Septem...

2024-08-21 00:09:28

7x24 快讯

21:16 2025-03-13
20:51 2025-03-13
贝莱德 BUIDL 代币化基金今日突破 10 亿美元资产规模,成为目前全球规模最大的链上国债基金。链上数据显示,3 月 14 日 18:47 UTC,Ethena 铸造了 2 亿美元的 BUIDL 代币,推动基金规模突破 10 亿美元。
20:42 2025-03-13
分析师:华尔街掀起淘金热 但投资者应保持警惕
分析师Karishma Vanjani表示,华尔街正掀起淘金热,但投资者应该要小心。摩根大通和高盛建议继续持有黄金,法巴银行刚刚上调了对金价的预测,而几个月来贝莱德一直建议购买黄金来分散投资组合。到目前为止,这些建议都是正确的。但...
20:39 2025-03-13
黄金期货近月合约收于历史新高,收盘上涨1.5%,至每盎司2984.30美元。期金已连续第三个交易日收高,累涨3.2%。随着主要股指进入或接近调整区间,金价上涨至接近每盎司3000美元的水平。瑞穗证券美国能源期货部门主管Robert Yawger在一份报告中表示,与关税相关的不确定性正在推动投资者向安全资产外逃,并推动黄金价格上涨。他表示:“除了把现金存放在创历史新高...
20:39 2025-03-13
特斯拉警告可能成为报复性关税目标 或提高美产汽车成本
20:30 2025-03-13
普京就俄乌停火表态 特朗普、泽连斯基分别发声
20:30 2025-03-13
20:12 2025-03-13
ARK Invest增持8000万美元比特币
据 Arkham 监测,ARK Invest 今日从 Coinbase 获得价值超 8000 万美元的比特币。
20:06 2025-03-13
20:01 2025-03-13
美股收盘:纳指跌近2% 苹果跌超3%
19:50 2025-03-13
特斯拉警告可能成为报复性关税目标 或提高美产汽车成本
19:48 2025-03-13
以太坊核心开发者宣布,新测试网 Hooli 将于 3 月 17 日上线,用于最终测试 Pectra 升级,目标是在 4 月底至 5 月初部署至主网。此前,Pectra 在 Sepolia 和 Holesky 测试网因配置错误测试失败,Holesky 一度宕机数周。Hooli 将在 3 月 26 日进行 Pectra 测试升级,若成功,开发者计划 30 天后启动主网升级。